A Western Meadowlark

The Yellow and Black Birds of North America

Have you spotted a yellow and black bird at your backyard bird feeder? We’re not surprised. Yellow and black birds are common in the United States! Numerous species have this

Female House Finch Featured Image

Guide to Identifying Male and Female House Finches

Initially desert dwellers situated in the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico, house finches are now prolific nationwide. The populations grew naturally in the West, but they owe their habitation in the

Bahama Nuthatch, a Rare Bird on the Edge of Extinction

Top 15 Rarest Birds in The World

In this article we discover fifteen of the rarest birds in the world. The birds on this list are elusive and often uncanny with unique physical traits and behaviors. They

Northern Cardinal Pair

Northern Cardinal Nesting Behaviors Explained

Northern cardinals: known in part for their aggression during breeding season, and loved by many regardless. The male has distinctive red plumage and a notable crest. The female is less

Nesting Behaviors of Blue Jays in North America

Blue jays are a birdwatcher’s joy, often topping their list of desired sightings. It’s no wonder why- this bird species is stunningly beautiful, wildly intelligent for a small- to medium-sized


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A Busy Bird Feeder

The Best Bird Food for Wild Birds

What to Feed Our Winged Friends Going to your local garden center and choosing food for wild birds can be surprisingly overwhelming. There are seemingly endless options, and they’re all