A Spotted Towhee standing on a rock.

15 Fascinating Facts about Eastern Towhees

The Eastern Towhee is a small sparrow, slightly smaller than an American Robin.  They can be found throughout much of east and central North America, ranging from as far North

A close-up image of a brown-headed cowbird.

The Brown-headed Cowbird

Despite its unassuming looks, the brown-headed cowbird is one unique bird.  What it lacks in appearance, the brown-headed cowbird makes up for in ingenuity – they effectively take over the

Two Ostriches, a bird species that closely resembles the extinct dinosaurs.

Are Birds Dinosaurs?

Birds are dinosaurs. There, I said it.  But, as I sit watching a flock of finches, it’s hard to see the resemblance.  How could this bird, no larger than a

A pair (male and female) of Purple Finches perched on a branch.

Purple Finch: A ‘Pretty in Pink’ Bird

So why are we talking about the purple finch today? Well, halloween has come and gone.  The holiday songs, however, have remained firmly in my brain.  On occasion, I catch

Eastern Bluebird Eats a Berry

How Long Do Birds Live?

Conquering the code to eternal life has been the goal of some. Billions of dollars have been invested in the quest for immortality. And yet, so many of us are


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A Red-capped Manakin, a bird with the coolest moves.

Are Birds Mammals?

“Are birds mammals?! Pfft, obviously they’re not mammals!”  I can almost hear the scoff of disbelief. And, yes, you’d be correct. Birds are not mammals.  But wait.  Birds and mammals

A Bee Eater bird catching a bee.

What Do Birds Eat?

Throughout the globe, there are approximately 11,000 species of bird, across 30 orders. Every species of bird eats a certain diet. And every species is adapted to that very diet. So

Do Birds Pee?

It’s 4am. The sun hasn’t even thought about breaching the horizon. But I’ve been awoken by an urgent desire that won’t pass.  Nature calls. I can hear birdsong outside. The

Downy Woodpecker Featured Image

The Downy Woodpecker: Tiny, but Mighty

Who said size matters? Well, not for the Downy Woodpecker at least.  This woodpecker often gets confused for the Hairy Woodpecker, or the less common Red-cockaded Woodpecker, but in this

A Pair of Mourning Doves

The Mourning Dove: How it Looks & Sounds

No, it’s not a bereaved widow. No, it doesn’t hang around the edges of graveyards.  Contrary to belief, the mourning dove stems its name not from its behavior or appearance,