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Top 25 Most Beautiful Birds in the World

It’s no secret that birds are stunning creatures. Some have bold, colorful feathers while others have unique feather structures to help them stand out. With over 11,000 bird species in the world, there are tons of beautiful birds to admire. So, what are the most beautiful birds in the world?

Here are the 25 Most Beautiful Birds in the World

It can be overwhelming to look through every bird species to decide your favorite. So, we’ve compiled a list of 25 gorgeous birds for you to admire.

1. Black-backed Dwarf Kingfisher

A Black-backed Kingfisher, the most beautiful kingfisher in the world.
Image by Sheau Torng Lim via Flickr.

The Black-backed Dwarf Kingfisher, also known as the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, has colors like a bird you would find in a cartoon. Its bold blue, yellow, and pink feathers are stunning enough to catch anyone’s eye, which is why it’s one of the most beautiful birds in existence. These birds primarily live across Southeast Asia in dense forests near bodies of water.

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2. Resplendent Quetzal
(Beautiful National Bird of Guatemala)

A Resplendent Quetzal, a bird with beautiful tail feathers.
Image by Matthew Studebaker via Flickr.

The Resplendent Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala, and it was also a sacred animal in ancient Aztec and Mayan cultures. So, it’s clear that many people have recognized this bird’s beauty. With a bold red belly and bright green feathers, including a long, majestic tail, you can find this bird in forests from Southern Mexico to Panama.

3. Golden Pheasant

A Golden Pheasant, a beautiful bird with magnificent feathers.
Image by James Bernard Hatton via Flickr.

Golden Pheasants have a rainbow of brightly colored feathers, including yellow, red, orange, blue, and green. If the sun shines on their feathers for too long, their bold plumage could become faded. Luckily, the mountainous forests of Western China give them plenty of shade to protect their beautiful feathers.

4. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
(Beautiful Ground-Dwelling Bird)

An adult and nestling Victoria-crowned Pigeon, the most beautiful pigeons in the world.
Image by Johnson via Flickr.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons are one of the most beautiful birds in the world because of their large crown of blue feathers on top of their heads. This species was named after British Monarch Queen Victoria, which only adds to the elegance of these large pigeons. These ground-dwelling birds live in swamp forests across New Guinea.

5. Paradise Tanager

Two Paradise Tanagers perched on different branches in a tree.
Image by Greg Lavaty via Flickr.

This tanager species has jet black feathers with extremely bright patches of teal, red-orange, light green, and indigo. These bright colors help the birds stand out in any environment, which can help them attract a mate. They’re native to the Amazon Rainforest, particularly in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Brazil.

6. Greater Bird-of-Paradise

A Greater Bird of Paradise, one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
Image by Dustin Chen via Flickr.

Male Greater Bird-of-Paradises have gorgeous flowing tails full of fluffy yellow and white feathers. They can show off their beautiful tails for a mating display to attract females. You can find these unique birds perched on branches throughout southwest New Guinea forests.

7. Indian Peafowl (Well-known Beautiful Bird)

A peacock, a bird that definitely has the coolest tail.
Image by George Ornbo via Flickr.

The Indian Peafowl, more commonly known as a peacock, is one of the most iconic and coolest birds out there. The males have bright blue bodies with large green patterned feathers they can raise to attract mates and intimidate predators. They’re native to India and Sri Lanka, but they also roam freely at many zoos and parks around the world.

8. Himalayan Monal (Beautiful Mountain Bird)

A Himalayan Monal standing on a rocky outcrop.
Image by Dinesh Negi via Flickr.

The Himalayan Monal is beautiful because of its shiny blue, green, orange, and red feathers. These pheasants live at high altitudes of up to 4,000 feet, where they spend most of the time on the ground, foraging for food. They live across the Himalayas in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.

9. European Bee-Eater

A pair of European Bee-eaters perched on a thin branch.
Image by Luiz Lapa via Flickr.

European Bee-Eaters may be small, but they have a lot of bold colors in a petite size. Their feather pattern includes stunning shades of blue-green, yellow, and red-brown. They catch about 250 bees a day in mid-flight, hitting them on hard surfaces to remove the stinger before ingesting. They have a wide range, including Southern and Central Europe, Northern and Southern Africa, and Western Asia.

10. Gouldian Finch

A Gouldian Finch amongst leafy greenery.
Image by Bob Decker via Flickr.

Gouldian Finches look like beautiful abstract paintings. Their feathers have bold patches of red, green, purple, yellow, blue, and black. Their unique color patterns come from a mixture of genetics and external factors, like diets. You can find these beautiful birds across Northern Australia.

11. Fiery-Throated Hummingbird (Beautiful Tiny Bird)

A Fiery-throated Hummingbird showing off its iridescent feathers.
Image by Wildnatureshots via Flickr.

As the name implies, this hummingbird species stands out because it has bright red feathers near its throat. The rest of its feathers are a shimmering mixture of yellow, green, blue, and black. They live in Costa Rica and western Panama, but they’re one of the smallest birds in the world. So, even if you’re in those locations, they can be hard to spot.

12. Nicobar Pigeon

A Nicobar Pigeon, a bird with long neck feathers that seem like hair.
Image by Tom Haines via Flickr.

The Nicobar Pigeon has long feathers around its neck, making it look like it has a long hairstyle. As if that wasn’t cool enough, these birds also have shimmering green and blue feathers on their bodies. While they might not look like it, these birds are the closest living relatives to the extinct Dodo bird. They’re native to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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13. Keel-Billed Toucan (Bird with a Beautiful Bill)

A Keel-billed Toucan perched on a thick branch.
Image by Jeff Maw via Flickr.

The Keel-Billed Toucan is another iconic, beautiful bird. This species has a long, thick beak with green, blue, red, and orange colors. They’re also known as Rainbow-Billed Toucans because of their stunning colors. You can spot them in tropical and subtropical rainforests from Southern Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela.

14. Rainbow Lorikeet (Beautiful Pet Bird)

A Rainbow Lorikeet standing on top of a rock.
Image by Lance BB via Flickr.

The Rainbow Lorikeet has a fitting name because these beautiful birds have several bold colors in their feathers. Their feather patterns include dark blue, green, orange, and red. To top off the unique coloring, they have bright red bills. While they’re native to coastal regions of Australia, they’re also kept as pets around the world.

15. Scarlet Macaw

A pair of Scarlet Macaws.
Image by PietervH via Flickr.

Scarlet Macaws are well-known birds because of their ability to mimic human speech. These large birds have red, blue, and yellow feathers that make them stand out from the green plants in their habitats. They appear in the wild from Southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. 

16. Sun Conure

A Sun Conure perched on a thick branch.
Image by Bob Silver via Flickr.

The feathers of Sun Conures are just as bright as the sun. They have vibrant yellow, orange, and green plumage that make them easy to spot. They’re social birds that like to live in flocks. Groups of these colorful birds live in tropical regions of northeastern South America.

17. Flame Bowerbird (Beautiful Fiery Bird)

A Flame Bowerbird, a brightly-colored beautiful bird.
Image by Nik Borrow via Flickr.

The Flame Bowerbird has vibrant red feathers on the top of its head, which transitions to yellow on its body and wings. So, from a distance, it almost looks like a small flame. These bold birds only live in forests of southern New Guinea.

18. Mandarin Duck

A Mandarin Duck swimming in calm water.
Image by Jayney R via Flickr.

While females of this species look like an average duck, the males have stunning feather patterns that make them look straight out of a painting. The males use their bright colors to attract females, and they usually stay with the same mates for several breeding seasons. Mandarin ducks live in Eastern Asia, including areas of Siberia, China, and Japan.

19. Spangled Cotinga

A Spangled Continga perched on top of a leafy tree.
Image by Joao Quental via Flickr.

The Spangled Cotinga looks like a dark-colored bird that was covered with a layer of bright turquoise paint. The male’s coloring is so beautiful that it almost doesn’t look real. Females appear as a solid brown color, so they’re very different from the males. You can spot this species in forests and jungles of South America. 

20. Lilac-Breasted Roller

A Lilac-breasted Roller, a bird known for its cool acrobatic moves.
Image by Ted Smith via Flickr.

Lilac-Breasted Rollers are some of the most beautiful birds in the world because they have colors you don’t normally see in nature. Their feathers are a mix of pink, purple, and blue, which is especially prominent when they spread their wings. They’re native to Eastern and Southern Africa.

21. Crimson Rosella (Beautiful Red Bird)

A Crimson Rosella perched on a tree branch.
Image by Philip Wade via Flickr.

Crimson Rosellas have a beautiful color contrast on their feathers. Most of their feathers have a bright red coloring while they also have a few patches of dark blue. They live in open forests and woodlands across eastern and southeastern Australia.

22. Splendid Fairywren

A Splendid Fairywren, a beautiful bright blue bird.
Image by Kimberley Dimer via Flickr.

The name of this species sounds like something out of a fantasy novel, and the bird’s appearance matches that. These tiny birds have bright blue plumage with fluffy light blue feathers on their cheeks. They only measure 12 to 14 inches long. These majestic creatures appear in arid and semi-arid environments across Australia.

23. Eclectus (Beautiful Bird that Mimics Speech)

A pair of Eclectus Parrots, the male and female of this beautiful bird species are very contrastingly colored.
Image by Leon Molenaar via Flickr.

The Eclectus Parrot can mimic human speech, but they also amaze people through their appearance. They have extremely bold-colored feathers, which are typically red, green, and/or blue. The males are usually bright green while the females are bright red, making it easy to tell the difference between the two. They’re native to rainforests in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, and parts of Australia.

24. Violet Sabrewing

A Violet Sabrewing drinking nectar from a flower.
Image by Lynn Griffiths via Flickr.

These hummingbirds have some of the most stunning violet feathers you’ll ever see. They’re mostly violet with hints of blue and green, all of which shimmer in the sunlight. They live across southern Mexico and Central America. Even though they’re small birds, they’re the largest hummingbird species in their range.

25. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise

A Wilson's Bird of Paradise holding onto a small tree.
Image by Tuan Nguyen via Flickr.

The Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise might look odd, but there’s no denying that its colors are beautiful. These birds are mostly black with patches of bright blue, red, and yellow. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the light blue feathers on the head are actually skin with no feathers. These curly-tailed birds only live in areas of Indonesia.

Keep an Eye Out for Beautiful Birds

Its hard not to be amazed by these beautiful birds. There are gorgeous bird species all over the world, so you might spot some of them at sanctuaries, zoos, and even in your backyard, depending on where you live. Pay attention to the birds around you, you may be lucky enough to spot one that’s on this list.

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