Jamie and the Nest Box Live team thank you for trusting our revolutionary Smart Bird House Camera system. We understand that, from time to time, our products may not meet your expectations. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you can return the product within 30 days of receiving it to receive a full refund of the purchase price (excluding postage).
To start a return, contact us through our contact form here.
After receiving your return request, we will confirm your return via email.
After confirming your return, send the product back to us using the address provided in our email. If you have the original packaging, use it; otherwise, pack the product properly. You (the buyer) are responsible for covering the return postage costs and must use a fully tracked service.
Once we receive the returned product and verify that there is no damage, we will process your refund within 3 business days. We will issue refunds via Stripe to the original payment method in US Dollars.
If your product arrives damaged or faulty, contact us as soon as possible. In most cases, we will send you replacement parts at no additional charge.
In the unlikely event that we are unable to resolve your issue with replacement parts, we will send you a new product at no cost. We may, or may not, ask you to return the faulty product. If we do, we will cover the return postage costs.
If you prefer a full exchange instead of attempting to resolve the issue with replacement parts, you can return the product to us. In this case, you (the buyer) are responsible for the postage costs.
Make your exchange request within 30 days of receiving the product here.
You can return the product to us within the three-year warranty period if it becomes faulty. We will attempt resolve the issue by sending replacement parts at no additional charge. If we cannot resolve the fault, we will send you a full replacement.
Please read our warranty policy for full details.
If a fault develops outside of the three-year warranty period, we can send you replacement parts. We will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to charge you for these parts.