The countdown is on, with only 16 days until we launch on Kickstarter. I know it’s not a very exciting topic, but it’s essential to deal with some of the particulars around how shipping will work for backers of the crowdfunding campaign.
Sign up for the Kickstarter pre-launch page here
After backing the Kickstarter, you are essentially securing yourself a pre-order for the product before it is manufactured. For the reasons I explain below, delivery to backers won’t be until January 2023. This allows enough time for production to be set up and overcome any hurdles along the way. Although this process has been thought through in fine detail, there will undoubtedly be some unforeseen challenges along the way, which is why I am extra cautious with the delivery date. There is every possibility that delivery may be sooner if things go better than according to plan. But having been on this journey for many years, I know that this is often not the case.

The regions that Nest Box Live will be available to on Kickstarter will be:

- United Kingdom
- Europe & the EU
- USA & Canada
- Australis and New Zealand
- South Africa
- Asia (Selected regions only)
There will be 20 units available for each region, except for the UK and Asia, where there will only be 10. The reason for a limited production run is as follows: Firstly, this is my first attempt at launching a product, and I don’t want to overwhelm myself and get things wrong. I have seen many product launches that start too big and, as a result, are unable to fulfil orders which leave customers feeling disgruntled and ultimately not having any faith in the product. Secondly, securing a batch of microchips is a challenge due to global supply shortages. Thirdly, I am looking to place nest boxes in locations outside of the UK, so that I can live stream a range of birds worldwide to social media channels.
If your region is not listed above, this is most likely because the import duty and local sales tax are too high and make the product unaffordable. If you believe I have got this wrong for your region and want to back the Kickstarter project, please contact me here with the subject line ‘Kickstarter Shipping’, and I will get back to you.
Shipping costs are not included, these will be charged if you choose to back the campaign. I estimate these costs to be £20-£30 for the UK and Europe and up to £55 for regions outside these areas.
As I am only a small business so won’t be collecting taxes at the point of sale. This shall be the buyer’s responsibility. The courier usually collects these before delivery to customers. Please bear this in mind before backing the project.
If you have any questions about this, please post a comment below.