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Proud to be Powered by Raspberry Pi

Did you know? Nest Box Live uses Raspberry Pi’s energy-efficient technology! Every one of our AI-Powered Bird House and Nest Box Camera systems uses Raspberry Pi’s tiny single-board computers.

We thought you might want to learn a little more about Raspberry Pi and what other devices use these boards. You might be surprised how popular they are! 

Nest Box Live Raspberry Pi Logo

Raspberry Pi boards are small but powerful, and they really don’t use too much energy, which made them the perfect choice when we were developing our AI-Powered Bird House and Nest Box Camera

With Nest Box Live, what you get is a nest box with an AI-Powered camera system that detects different bird species, sends notifications to your smartphone, and live streams the birds in your nest box to social media.

Our 8-megapixel 1080p HD image sensor captures birds in incredible detail, and AI recognition tells you which birds are visiting. This is all brought together by Raspberry Pi.

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Raspberry Pi enables all kinds of IoT devices…

There are lots of smart home appliances, security systems and smart tools and gadgets that use Raspberry Pi.The technology is perfect for internet-of-things (IoT) devices that connect to the net and use cameras or sensors to share information.

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It was originally developed as a low-cost alternative to mainstream electronics like smartphones and tablets and has really taken off as a component for smart and robotic devices.

The ability to easily add sensors, motors, batteries, or cameras makes Raspberry Pi perfect for creating wildlife, weather, and environmental monitoring devices

UK Met Office Weather Observation Station

Take a look at how the UK Government’s Met Office uses Raspberry Pi to collect weather observations more efficiently.

Met Office Raspberry Pi

RaspberryShake Seismograph

What about RaspberryShake’s professional-grade seismograph and infrasound monitors?

Raspberry Shake

Bandai Namco Jukebox O Rama

There’s also Bandai Namco’s nostalgic Jukebox O Rama home musical and gaming experience.

Jukebox O Rama

One of the coolest things about Raspberry Pi is how much it’s used as a learning tool by educators, kids at home, and hobbyists and amateur builders because you can do so much with it.

You can literally build your favorite gadgets at home without them costing a fortune! 

To see how we use Raspberry Pi, learn more about the features of Nest Box Live, from the AI and powerful camera to the sensors and notifications that tell our customers EVERYTHING that happens in their nest boxes!

Why not checkout the list of ‘Powered by Raspberry Pi’ products on the Raspberry Pi website?

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